Wednesday, April 13, 2016


One of the things I do when embarking on a new adventure is to learn as much as I can. In this case, photography and all things related to it. Some can be very technical, some can be things simple, some can be about the gear..... basically anything.

As I progress, I will post about books I am reading, sites I follow, and just about anything else related.

At the moment, here are some books I am reading. Mind you I do have some knowledge about photography, just no formal training, but reading from here and there...

Interesting read.

A genre I am interested in.

A bit of history ...

Makes interesting reading actually, who knows maybe one day...

All the photographs above were shot with Leica C-Lux 1, P mode, 28mm, f2.8, 1/8, ISO200.

There are more. I will post about the others later.

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