Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The whats and hows....

A bit about how I shoot and all...

Basically I shoot in P mode but with an eye on the aperture setting. If the aperture selected by the camera is what I want then its all good. Otherwise, I will go into programme shift. Sometimes I shoot in Aperture Priority. 

I shoot 100% JPEG. I have not graduated into RAW or DNG. Someday maybe I will....

I do not (mostly) do post shooting processing save cropping and conversion to Black and White. And I use iPhoto and nothing else. 

I shoot 100% digital. I may return to film (actually I am seriously thinking about it). 

What do I shoot? Anything actually. Anything that catches my eye (since I don't have an eye for things). I like Street Photography, but not really gotten into it. 

So that it. 

Even the cat is interested...

Leica C-Lux 1, P mode, 28mm, f2.8, 1/8, ISO200.

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